当部について/ About
Our team, founded by Ichiro Hatta in 1931, is the oldest and the origin of wrestling in Japan. Each member trains daily to achieve their personal goals as well as the team’s goals. The appeal of our wrestling team lies in its strong unity. Our camaraderie and the strength of our relationships are unmatched!
部員/ Roster
- 4年 Senior
- 山口 太一 YAMAGUCHI Taichi(スポ科/東京・自由ヶ丘学園)
- 計良 涼介 KERA Ryosuke(スポ科/埼玉・花咲徳栄)
- ズート 麟 ZOOT Rin(政経/東京・ASIJ)
- 伊藤 海 ITO Umi(社学/京都・網野)
- 3年 Junior
- 北脇 香 KITAWAKI Kyo(スポ科/山梨・韮崎工)
- 尾西 大河 ONISHI Taiga(スポ科/佐賀・鳥栖工)
- 山路 健心 YAMAJi Kenshin(社学/和歌山・和歌山北)
- ジェンゾー メンドーサ Vincenzo Mendoza(フィリピン)
- 2年 Sophomore
- 掛川 零恩 KAKEGAWA Reon(社学/山口・豊浦)
- 1年 Freshman
- ガレダギ 敬一 GHAREHDAGHI Keyvan(スポ科/東京・帝京)
- 金澤 空大 KANAZAWA Sorato(スポ科/千葉・日体大柏)
入試・入部について/ Admission
- 【推薦入試】
- スポーツ科学部 トップアスリート選抜入学試験
- スポーツ科学部 アスリート選抜入学試験
- スポーツ科学部 自己推薦入学試験
- 社会科学部 自己推薦入学試験
- 指定校推薦
- 【一般入試】
- 一般入学試験
- センター試利用入学試験
The Waseda University Wrestling Team is open to a wide range of students, not only experienced wrestlers but also beginners, student managers, trainers, and creators (such as photographers, designers, and others).
To join the Waseda University Wrestling Team, you must be enrolled at Waseda University. For prospective students, there are various entrance examination systems, including the general entrance exams and the Athlete Selection Entrance Exam for the School of Sport Sciences. (Please note that entrance exam information may change. For details, please contact our team or the Waseda University International Admissions Office.
練習参加について/ Joining the Practice
- 早稲田大学関係者の紹介者がいる
- 早稲田大学への入学を希望する者
- 国際的にトップレベルの実績がある
- 各国NFまたはNOCからの推薦状がある
- その他、当部が参加を認めた者
From the perspective of safety and security, we have established the following criteria for allowing external athletes (especially international athletes) to join our practice sessions. Participation is permitted only for athletes who meet at least one of the following conditions:
- Wrestlers with an introduction from a Waseda University associate.
- Wrestlers who aspire to enroll at Waseda University.
- Wrestlers with top-level achievements in international competitions.
- Wrestlers with a letter of recommendation from their respective country’s National Federation (NF) or National Olympic Committee (NOC).
- Wrestlers approved for participation by our team.
Please contact us first through the inquiry form, Instagram, LINE, or others. We kindly ask for your understanding that walk-in participation is not allowed. Thank you.
アクセス/ Access
東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス 17号館 地下2階